
来源 :生命的化学(中国生物化学会通讯) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flymummy
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肿瘤病人,尤其是恶性肿瘤病人常常有营养不良的表现,其发生机理除了肿瘤本身引起的消化道梗阻、肿瘤引起的大出血、感染以及肿瘤病人接受放疗、化疗外,还有一个重要的原因是肿瘤病人在患瘤早期就发生了许多代谢方面的异常。研究和探讨带瘤机体的代谢异常对防治肿瘤性营养不良的发生无疑具有重大的理论和现实的意义。 Tumor patients, especially patients with malignant tumors, often have malnutrition manifestations. Besides the pathogenesis of digestive tract obstruction caused by the tumor itself, tumor-induced hemorrhage and infection, and tumor patients receiving radiotherapy and chemotherapy, an important reason is that tumors Many metabolic abnormalities occur early in the patient’s tumor. It is undoubtedly of great theoretical and practical significance to study and explore the metabolic abnormalities of tumor-bearing organisms in the prevention and treatment of tumor malnutrition.
牛肉配土豆:牛肉营养价值高,并有健脾胃的作用,但牛肉纤维粗,有时会刺激胃黏膜。土豆与之同煮,不但味道好,且有保护胃粘膜的作用。  羊肉配生姜:羊肉补血温阳,生姜有止痛祛风湿等作用。二者搭配,生姜既能去腥膻味,又能助羊肉温阳祛寒。  鱼肉配豆腐:鱼肉中蛋氨酸含量丰富,苯丙氨酸含量少,而豆腐却恰恰相反,两者合而食之,可取长补短。豆腐含钙较多,正好借助鱼体内维生素D的作用,提高人体对钙的吸收率,非常适合