为了落实学习、宣传《水法》的任务,1988年计划分三个阶段进行,具体计划如下: (一) 宣传准备阶段(四月中旬以前) 1.首先与省司法厅联合发通知,把《水法》的宣传与贯彻纳入整个普法教育计划。 2.编印学习、宣传材料。编印《水法宣传提纲》、《水法学习辅导材料》、《水资源和节约用水宣传材料》等宣传资料。 3.组织撰写宣传稿件,陆续在报刊上登载。 4.着手拍摄部分宣传照片和专题电视片。
In order to implement the task of studying and publicizing the Water Law, the 1988 plan is divided into three phases. The specific plans are as follows: (1) Preparation stage for propaganda (before mid-April) 1. First, a joint circular with the Provincial Department of Justice, Water Law “propaganda and implementation into the entire populace education plan. 2 print learning, promotional materials. Publicity materials such as ”Outline of Water Law Propaganda,“ ”Water Law Study and Guidance Material,“ and ”Water Resources and Water Conservation Materials" were compiled. 3 organizations to write publicity manuscripts, one after another in the press. 4. Start shooting some promotional photos and feature TV.