
来源 :麦类作物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiang663613
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分析测定了当前江苏省大面积推广和新选育的 1 8个小麦品种 (品系 )的理化性质和面团流变学特性。各性状的平均值为 :容重 786.7g/L,出粉率 68.6%,蛋白质含量 1 2 .7%,湿面筋含量 3 2 .7%,沉淀值 3 6.0ml,面团吸水率 60 .6%,形成时间 2 .7min,稳定时间 4 .2 min,软化度 1 0 5.3 B.U.,评价值 4 5.4。总地看来 ,江苏省小麦品种 (品系 )的容重和出粉率稍高 ,蛋白质、面筋含量和沉淀值中等 ,但面团形成时间和稳定时间偏短 ,均达不到高筋粉的要求 ,属中、弱筋粉范畴。弱筋小麦新品种宁麦 9号各项品质指标符合加工制作优质饼干、糕点食品的要求。文中还对优质小麦育种、栽培、区域化种植和产业化开发等问题作了针对性探讨 The physicochemical properties and dough rheological properties of 18 wheat cultivars (lines) widely popularized and newly selected in Jiangsu Province were analyzed and determined. The average of each trait was 786.7g / L, the yield of powder was 68.6%, the protein content was 12.7%, the content of wet gluten was 32.7%, the sedimentation value was 3.06ml, the dough water absorption was 60.6% The formation time of 2 .7min, the stabilization time of 4.2 min, the degree of softening 1 0 5.3 BU, the value of 4 5.4. In general, wheat varieties (strains) in Jiangsu Province had a slightly higher bulk density and flour yield, moderate protein and gluten content and sedimentation values, but the dough forming time and settling time were short and did not meet the requirements of high-gluten flour. Is a medium and weak flour category. Weak gluten wheat variety Ningmai 9 quality indicators in line with the processing of high-quality biscuits, cakes food requirements. The article also made a targeted discussion on such issues as breeding of high-quality wheat, cultivation, regional planting and industrialization
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利用酸性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 ( APAGE)对 9份波兰小麦和 2份新疆稻麦进行了醇溶蛋白分析。结果表明 ,( 1 )波兰小麦具有明显的醇溶蛋白多态性 ,9份材料具有 7种醇溶蛋白带型
门静脉海绵样变性 ,B超、血管造影均有报道。CT对此病报道少。现报告 1例。男 ,12岁 ,以呕血、黑便 5d主诉入院。入院后多次解柏油样大便 ,行胃镜检查时呕血 5 0 0ml ,为鲜红色血液
重症急性胰腺炎(severe acute pancreatitis,SAP),病情凶险,病死率高达30%~60%,是外科常见的危重病。我院自2004年以来共收治8例重症患者,均根据病情而采取个体化治疗方案,取
采用3×4不完全双列杂交,对抗黄矮病性母本和丰产性父本的组合效应进行了黄矮病抗性遗传研究.结果表明,(1) 亲本的一般配合力效应与特殊配合力效应正向相关,而一般配合力效应
以健壮燕麦 ( Avena sativa L.)为供体 ,宁春 4号小麦为受体 ,采用花粉管通道法进行外源 DNA导入。结果表明 ,变异株系在生育期、株高、穗长、结实小穗数、千粒重等性状上产