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自治区党委、政府提出实现经济发展“三突破”的战略目标后,贺州市委、市政府下达给八步区的“三突破”目标任务是GDP同比增长12%,财政收入增长27.3%,规模以上工业盈亏相抵后实现利润1.2亿元,全社会固定资产投资达22.5亿元。八步区继获得自治区经济发展十佳县(市、区)之后,经济继续保持高速发展态势。据初步统计,至11月止,GDP同比增长13%以上,财政收入同比增长29%,农民人均纯收入同比增长6%以上。预计全年全社会固定资产投资完成22.55亿元,同比增长91.4%,增幅再创历史新高。八步区实现“三突破”目标任务的主要措施是:一、加强领导,提高认识。实现“三突 After the party committees and governments of the autonomous region put forward the strategic goal of “three breakthroughs” in economic development, the goal and task of “three breakthroughs” issued by the municipal government of Hezhou to the eight-step zone is that GDP growth of 12%, fiscal revenue growth of 27.3%, industrial enterprises above designated size Profit and loss after offsetting a profit of 120 million yuan, total investment in fixed assets of 2.25 billion yuan. Following the acquisition of the top ten counties (cities, districts) for economic development in the autonomous region, the eight-step zone has maintained its rapid economic development. According to preliminary statistics, by the end of November, GDP increased by more than 13% over the same period of last year, fiscal revenue increased by 29% over the same period of last year, and per capita net income of farmers increased by 6% over the same period of last year. It is estimated that the investment in fixed assets of the whole society will be 2.255 billion yuan, an increase of 91.4% over the same period of the previous year, an increase of another record high. The main measures for achieving the goal and goal of “three breakthroughs” in the eight-step zone are as follows: First, to strengthen leadership and raise awareness. To achieve "three sudden
叶挺将军,北伐名将。第二次国共合作时期,出任新四军军长。 1941年1月,皖南事变爆发,叶挺为保全新四军军部在转移途中遭围攻的全体将士,主动下山与国民党谈判,竞被国民党当
近几年来,广东省茂名市老促会利用老区基金增值投入21万元,加上省老促会支持,共投入30万元,用于革命传统基地建设和老区 In recent years, Maoming City, Guangdong Provin
目的 :寻找治疗恶性肿瘤放疗后白细胞减少的有效方法。方法 :治疗组五子丸合当归补血汤每日一剂水煎服 ,7天为一疗程 ;对照组口服鲨肝醇、利血生、维生素B4等 ,均观察 1~ 2个