人们最常发的牢骚之一,就是“好心不得好报”。 通常的解释是:光有好心不行,还要认识客观规律,注意客观效果。规律没掌握住,办事效果不好,好心也会落空。 现在要问:心是好的,效果也是好的,是否就一定得好报呢?未见得。这一层恰恰是更多人想不通的问题。 如果只是把一个人的思想和行为孤立起来看,好
One of the most common complaints of people is “good intentions good news.” The usual explanation is: light with good intentions, but also understand the objective laws, pay attention to the objective effect. Law did not grasp live, work is not good, well-intentioned will be frustrated. Now ask: heart is good, the effect is good, whether it must be well reported? Not seen. This layer is precisely the problem more people can not figure out. If you just think of one’s thoughts and behaviors as if they were isolated, well