
来源 :江西公安专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuwenhaiyy
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西方法治国家建立了完善的未决羁押司法救济制度,因此,这一制度能够较好地保护被羁押者的合法权益。而我国的未决羁押制度十分不完善,且羁押的救济渠道不畅、救济措施不力,导致在司法实践中侵犯被羁押者合法权益的事件时有发生。因此,借鉴西方法治国家成熟的立法经验,建立未决羁押的司法审查制度、未决羁押的事中救济制度、未决羁押的事后救济制度、建立羁押复查制度并修改《国家赔偿法,》这对于完善我国未决羁押的司法救济制度具有十分重要的意义。 The western rule of law has established a perfect system of judicial relief of pending detention. Therefore, this system can better protect the legitimate rights and interests of detainees. However, the system of pending detention in our country is not perfect, and the remedy channel in custody is not smooth and the relief measures are not effective, which often leads to the infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of detainees in judicial practice. Therefore, drawing on the mature legislative experience of the western countries ruled by law and establishing the judicial review system of pending detention, the relief system in pending detention and the post-relief system of pending detention, the system of detention review is established and the State Compensation Law is amended. It is of great significance for the improvement of the judicial relief system for the pending detention in our country.
本文研究了Web交互技术的特点,提出了基于Browser/Web Server/DB Server(BWD)结构的辅助教学系统的设计方案.同时从功能设计方面阐述了网络辅助教学系统的设计与实现.