★12月2日,怀化市迎丰市场二楼小百货商场发生火灾,造成1人死亡,1人受伤,烧毁经营摊位128个,过火面积1000多平方米,致使73户个体经营户受灾。 ★12月6日13时,新化县大熊山高峰工区(大屋场)发生火灾,44栋房屋61户158人受灾,损失100万元。 ★12月12日凌晨1时,长沙市东风路省药材公司仓库起火,直接损失超过500多万元。
★ On December 2, a fire broke out in the small department store on the second floor of Yingfeng Market in Huaihua City, killing one person and injuring one person. It burned 128 operating booths and over 1,000 square meters of fire area, resulting in the disaster of 73 self-employed households. ★ At 13:00 on December 6, a fire broke out in the Big Bear Mountain Peak Work Area (Taiwuchang) in Xinhua County, killing 61 of the 44 houses and 158 people, causing a loss of 1 million yuan. ★ At 12 o’clock on December 12, Dongfeng Road, Changsha City, the provincial pharmaceutical company warehouse fire, a direct loss of more than 500 million.