忽视文化背景而单纯地进行语言教学往往会使学生在跨文化交际中出现用词不当、言语生硬、举止言谈不得体等失误 ,导致许多不愉快的交际结果。要使学生能够用英语与英语文化的人成功地进行交际 ,在平时的英语教学中就必须注意导入文化因素 ,提高学生的跨文化意识 ,培养他们的跨文化技能。本文力图就语言教学如何结合文化教学、培养学生跨文化交际能力等问题进行分析和探讨
To ignore the cultural background and simply to carry out the language teaching will often make students appear in the intercultural communication improper wording, blunt speech, inaccurate speech and behavior, resulting in many unpleasant social outcomes. In order to enable students to successfully communicate with English-speaking people, we must pay attention to the introduction of cultural factors, improve students’ intercultural awareness and develop their intercultural skills in everyday English teaching. This article tries to analyze and discuss how to combine language teaching with cultural teaching and cultivate students’ ability of intercultural communication.