农作物秸秆原来是农村的主要燃料。但近几年来 ,农村烧煤、烧石油液化气的家庭增多 ,致使大量秸秆多余 ,不少人家就田焚烧 ,造成四周“乌烟瘴气” ,既严重污染了环境 ,又妨碍了公路交通和民航。因此 ,就田焚烧秸秆 ,已成为一大公害。其实 ,秸秆是很有利用价值的资源。对秸秆进?
Crop straws used to be the main fuel in rural areas. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of coal-burning and liquefied petroleum gas families in rural areas. As a result, a large amount of straw is left unburdened and many people are burned on the fields, causing “black smoke” around them, which seriously pollutes the environment and hinders road traffic and civil aviation. Therefore, the field burning straw, has become a major public hazard. In fact, straw is a valuable resource. Into the straw?