随着科学技术的飞跃发展 ,市场经济大潮下的行业竞争日趋激烈 ,适应社会主义市场经济客观环境的成功管理 ,越发显得重要起来。通过实施“院科两级考核 ,最化分等管理” ,加大管理力度 ,增强质量意识 ,转变服务作风 ,不断深化分配制度改革 ,最终使医院在社会主义市场经济的新形
With the rapid development of science and technology, the competition in the industry under the tide of market economy has become increasingly fierce. It is even more important that the industry should be successfully managed to meet the objective circumstances of a socialist market economy. Through the implementation of “two levels of hospital examination, the most equal management”, increase management, enhance quality awareness, change service style, and constantly deepening the reform of the distribution system, and ultimately the hospital in the new socialist market economy