在实验室和生产条件下 ,研究了感应炉熔炼增碳工艺对铸铁组织和性能的影响。结果表明 :增碳处理改善了石墨的大小、分布和形貌 ,使A型石墨细化1~2级且均匀分布 ,基体组织中珠光体量明显增多 ,片层间距减小。抗拉强度和宏观硬度有显著提高 ,伸长率有较大提高 ,白口倾向减小 ,断面敏感性得到显著改善。
In the laboratory and production conditions, the effect of induction furnace smelting carbon technology on the microstructure and properties of cast iron was studied. The results show that carbon addition treatment can improve the size, distribution and morphology of graphite, make A-type graphite thinned 1 to 2 and distribute uniformly. The amount of pearlite in matrix increases obviously and the spacing between layers decreases. Tensile strength and macroscopic hardness were significantly improved, the elongation increased significantly, the tendency of white mouth decreases, the cross-sectional sensitivity has been significantly improved.