1985年11月3日,四川石油管理局组织局属有关处室和五大矿区代表,对成都总机械厂制造的6″,8 1/2″和12 1/4″三种型号的三牙轮钻头进行并通过了技术鉴定。 一、6″XH3型三牙轮钻头 为提高6″井段中软地层钻进的机械钻速而设计的6″XH3型三牙轮钻头,在现场试验11只,平均单只进尺53.48m,平均单只纯钻进时间83.33h,平均机械钻速0.64m/h,比6″XH5型钻头平均单只进尺提高18.3%。
November 3, 1985, Sichuan Petroleum Administration Bureau of the relevant offices and representatives of the five major mining areas on the Chengdu General Machinery Factory 6 “, 8 1/2” and 12 1/4 “three types of tricone Drill bit and passed the technical appraisal.First, 6 ”XH3 type tricone bit 6“ XH3 type tricone bit designed to improve the penetration rate of soft ground drilling in 6 ”section, 11 in the field trial, The average single footage is only 53.48m, the average single drilling time is only 83.33h, the average penetration rate is 0.64m / h, which is 18.3% higher than that of 6 "XH5 drill.