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党的作风关系民心向背,关系党的生死存亡。近年来,我市先后开展了“忠、正、实、廉”“十万干部百乡千村万户大走访”等作风建设主题活动,旨在锤炼干部党性,以务实作风推进衡阳科学发展、人本发展、生态发展、统筹发展、开放发展,为奋力加快发展、实现富民强市凝聚力量、夯实基础,以作风建设的新成效推动衡阳新跨越。抓干部作风建设,是党的建设一项十分重要的工作。开展作风建设主题活动,是加强和改进新形势下群众工作的创新举措,是推进创先争优活动的实际举措,是推动工作落实的有效举措。全市上下要以此为契机,大力加强作风建设,努 The relationship between the party’s style and the people’s heart and mind have a bearing on the survival of the party. In recent years, the city has successively carried out the theme activity of style construction such as “loyalty, integrity, honesty, integrity”, “one hundred thousand cadres, hundreds of thousands of cadres in villages and towns” and other activities aimed at tempering the party spirit of cadres with a pragmatic style to promote Hengyang Scientific development, humanistic development, ecological development, overall development, opening up and development, in order to speed up development and realize the enriching, strengthening and strengthening the city, consolidate the foundation and promote the new leap of Hengyang with the new achievements of style construction. To stress the cadre style construction is a very important task for party building. Carrying out the theme activity of style construction is an innovative measure to strengthen and improve the work of the masses in the new situation. It is a practical measure to promote the activity of creating excellence and is an effective measure to promote the implementation of the work. The city from top to bottom to take this as an opportunity to vigorously strengthen the style of construction, efforts
摘 要 为了有效减少桑白蚧对软枣猕猴桃的为害,使用4种杀虫剂分别对软枣猕猴桃桑白蚧进行防治比较试验,并计算处理7天后的校正防效。结果表明,使用螺虫乙酯、联苯菊酯、高效氯氟氰菊酯、氯吡硫磷这4种杀虫剂处理软枣猕猴桃桑白蚧,均有一定的防治效果,其中螺虫乙酯对软枣猕猴桃桑白蚧防治效果最好,可在实际防治软枣猕猴桃过程中交替使用。  关键词 桑白蚧;软枣猕猴桃;杀虫剂  中图分类号:S436.62 文献标志
家长是孩子的第一个老师,在理财上也同样如此。要做好孩子的第一个理财老师,家长不妨利用压岁钱来指导孩子进行理财。那么,该如何把压岁钱理财变成财商教育呢?    用压岁钱建立“家庭基金”  ◎口述/王涛(39岁,公务员)    儿子的压岁钱每年约有3000元,由于儿子还在上小学,所以我只给他留下极少的零头,其余的悉数上交“家庭金库”。对此,儿子有些不高兴。我把儿子压岁钱的用途分为三块:一是教育基金。开
焦炉烟气中的有机污染物种类繁多,但是对人类和生态环境有严重危害的主要是多环芳烃类化合物[1~3]. 由于该类化合物结构复杂,含量不等,因此,对其进行分析测试难度很大. 近年来,采用色
We have previously reported the preliminary fungicidal activity of 3 anilinemethylene 5,6 dihydro 6 phenyl 2H pyran 2,4 diones and their 3D QSAR s