走入1998年,中国人民的面前出现了一幅新的,时代画卷。这幅新的时代画卷,让中国亿万人民怦然心动,让亿万中国人民耳目一新——体制改革。伤筋动骨,撼地动天。面对如此壮观,我们不仅要问,今夕是何年? 从风起云涌的改革之潮说起,今年是政府机关改革之年。 这一年的年首,九届全国人大一次会议第二次大会上,在数千名代表们的热烈掌声中,通过了国务院部委改革方案。一时之间,国务院29个部、局委摘去了昔曰计划经济体制下,曾辉煌一时的牌子,数万名船委机关干部,脱下曾令人羡慕的官服,放下纳税人供奉的铁饭碗,走进经济大市场,重新定位人生,重新寻找自我。 从风起云涌的改革大潮说,今年是企业改制之年。 走进这一年,如火如荼的企业改制,波及到中国亿万个家庭。亿万人议论最集中、最热烈的话题足:下岗。纺织行业率先开始了压锭行动。一些国有企业陆陆续续走上了出售、拍卖、并购、转让、兼并、破
Into 1998, the Chinese people appeared before a new picture of the times. With this new picture of the times, hundreds of millions of Chinese are tempted by heart to bring the millions of Chinese people a fresh look - institutional reform. Ineffective, shaking earth moving day. Faced with such a spectacular spectacle, we not only have to ask what is the year of the New Year, starting with the surging tide of reform, this year is the year for the reform of government agencies. During the first year of this year and the second general assembly of the first session of the Ninth NPC, among the thousands of deputies, they adopted the reform plan of the ministries under the State Council. For a time, the 29 ministries and commissions under the State Council picked up the former once-brilliant brand under the planned economic system and tens of thousands of cadres from the LCCs took off their enviable official clothes and set aside the contributions of taxpayers Iron rice bowl, into the economic market, repositioning life, to find themselves again. From the surging tide of reform, this year is the year of enterprise restructuring. Into this year, in full swing enterprise restructuring, spread to hundreds of millions of Chinese families. Hundreds of millions of people talk about the most concentrated and hot topic: layoffs. Textile industry took the lead in the vandalism. Some state-owned enterprises gradually went on sale, auction, mergers and acquisitions, transfer, mergers and acquisitions