The design and calculation of the delayed neutron detection system for PWR and CEFR

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greatteset
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This paper discussed the importance of the delayed neutron detection system.We improved the delayed neutron detection station and delayed neutron detector,so the noise was greatly decreased and the detection efficiency was greatly increased.After the improvement the stability of the detector was enhanced and the false alarm was eliminated.We introduced the principle of the gas lift pump designed for the sodium cooled fast reactor.A calculation model of the failed fuel detection system of CEFR was proposed,and from the model a code using LabWindows/CVI was developed.The minimum broken area that could be detected by the delayed neutron detection system of CEFR was calculated and the delayed neutron detection signal in a few representative transient conditions during fuel failure happened was stimulated. This paper discussed the importance of the delayed neutron detection system. We improved the delayed neutron detection station and delayed neutron detector, so the noise was greatly decreased and the detection efficiency was greatly increased. After the improvement the stability of the detector was enhanced and the false alarm was eliminated. We introduced the principle of the gas lift pump designed for the sodium cooled fast reactor. A calculation model of the failed fuel detection system of CEFR was proposed, and from the model a code using LabWindows / CVI was developed. minimum broken area that could be detected by the delayed neutron detection system of CEFR was calculated and the delayed neutron detection signal in a few representative transient conditions during fuel failure happened was stimulated.
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[摘 要] 五年制高职院校教育是我国教育体系中的一员,其特殊性在于所教育对象處于成长与发展中困惑较多的时期,因此,对其职业生涯规划课程的展开与相应的引导是五年制高职学生受教育不可忽视的重要一环。围绕五年制高职学生职业生涯规划课程教学模式展开论述,结合积极心理学的相应理论与应用,就我国五年制高职学生职业生涯规划课程教学现状提出一些建议。  [关 键 词] 积极心理学;五年制高职院校;职业生涯规划课程