在两年的试验中,以品种Kufri Chandramukhi作试材,施用硫酸铵比施用尿素显著高产,并且块茎和秸秆对N的吸收也高。硫酸铵沟内穴施比撒施效果好,而尿素则呈相反趋势。N的种类以及施用方法不影响植株的含N量。叶片、块茎和秸秆中的含N量与产量高度相关,当穴施尿素时施用量超过60公斤N/公顷能降低出苗率,但当撒施时此效果可大大降低。每公顷施N130公斤,硫酸铵的利用率为55%,而尿素则是43%。
In the two-year experiment, the test material Kufri Chandramukhi was used as test material. The application of ammonium sulfate was significantly higher than that of urea, and the absorption of N by tubers and straw was also high. Ammonium sulfate ditch inside the hole Shi Shi than the spreading effect is good, while urea showed the opposite trend. The type of N and the method of application do not affect the N content of the plant. Nitrogen content in leaves, tubers and straw was highly correlated with grain yield. When urea was applied at a dose of more than 60 kg N / ha, the rate of emergence could be reduced, but this effect could be greatly reduced when applied. Application of N130 kilograms per hectare, ammonium sulfate utilization rate of 55%, while urea is 43%.