各上市公司眼下正在盘点上半年 的经营业绩,对于过去半年的 经营成果、财务状况及发展前景,向股民们做一次如实的披露。7月9日,中国证监会郑重地提醒上市公司,对截止8月31日仍未披露2001年中期报告的上市公司,证监会将依法进行处罚。
The listed companies are now inventorying the business performance of the first half of the year, for the past six months operating results, financial status and development prospects, investors do a truthful disclosure. July 9, China Securities Regulatory Commission solemnly reminded the listed company, as of August 31 has not disclosed the mid-2001 report of the listed company, the Commission will be punished according to law.