脐带异常是产前常见的并发症,包括脐带的长度异常,脐带先露、脐带脱垂,肝带缠绕、扭转、打结及脐带附着异常.因产前不易明确诊断,故可对分娩结局造成严重影响,如脐带过短可造成第二产程停滞,脐带脱垂者可造成胎儿急性缺血、缺氧死亡,脐带打结及过度扭转可造成妊娠中晚期胎死宫内.本文对我院分娩的111例脐带异常的产妇进行回顾性分析,进一步探讨加强母胎监护的必要性,以及早发现脐带异常.“,”Abnormal umbilical cord is a prenatal common complication, Including the abnormal length of the umbilical cord, the presentation of umbilical cord, the omphaioproprosis, the twine of umbilical cord and anomaly attached umbilical cord. The difficult prenatal diagnosis may lead serious influence to the delivery eventualy. For instance, short cord can cause stagnation of the second labor stage; omphaioproprosis can lead to acute ischemia, hypoxia death of fetus; the excessive torsion of umbilical cord can cause middle-late fetal death while pregnancy. In this paper, our 111 parturient women with anomaly umbilical cord fetus were retrospectively analyzed. Further discussion wil be given to explain the necessity to strengthen