All-dielectric self-supporting (ADSS) cables are installed along with transmission line for the purpose of communication. During installation the outer layer of the cable is hydrophobic and is not prone to dry band arcing. These cables become less hydrophobic over time and become vulnerable to dry band arcing. This loss in hydrophobici- ty is because of the contamination formed on the outer layer due to pollution. This is one of the reasons which cause cable failure. Considerable amount of losses will be incurred on the occurrence of a cable failure as the cables are also leased to other companies. An improved equivalent circuit is used to calculate the voltage and current distribution of the double circuit line. A three-phase single circuit line and a three-phase double circuit line are used to calculate their corresponding voltage distribution and current distribution. The results could be used to predict dry band arcing on similar models. The method used considers sag, span and pollution on ADSS cable.