According to ICAC, 201 0/11 world cotton production isforecast at 24.2 million tons up nearly 10%. 2010/11 productionin China is forecast at 7.7 million tons, one million tons higherthan in the current season. Most of the gain is expected tocome from increased area in response to higher domesticprices. 2010/11 Production in India is estimated little changedfrom 2009/10 as most of the gain in yields tied to improvedtechnology has already been achieved. U.S. production isexpected to climb by one-tenth to reach three million tons,primarily because of increased cotton area. Production inPakistan, Brazil and Uzbekistan, collectively, is estimated at 4.6million tons in 2010/11. The three countries are accounting for4.3 million tons of production in 2009/10