雅尔塔体制是二战结束后形成的新的世界秩序 ,维持了近50年 ,是国际政治和国际关系史研究的重要课题。80年代末90年代初 ,随着东欧剧变 ,苏联解体 ,冷战结束 ,雅尔塔体制随之瓦解。由于其重要的理论价值和现实意义 ,雅尔塔体制日益成为史学界的研究热点 ,发表了不少论文?
The Yalta system was a new world order formed after the end of World War II. It has lasted for nearly 50 years and is an important issue in the study of the history of international politics and international relations. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, with the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Cold War ended and the Yalta system collapsed. Because of its important theoretical value and practical significance, the Yalta system has increasingly become a research hotspot in the field of history, and has published many papers.