20 0 3年是中国教育学会化学教学专业委员会成立 2 0周年 ,在纪念我会成立 2 0周年的时候 ,由重庆市承办第八届化学实验教学改革研讨会 ,对推动各地学校加强实验教学改革 ,发挥实验的教育功能 ,有着十分重要的意义。我代表全国化学教学专业委员会对研讨会的召开表示热烈的祝贺
The year of 2003 is the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Chemistry Teaching Professional Committee of the Chinese Education Society. In commemorating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Association, Chongqing organized the 8th Conference on Chemical Experiment Teaching Reform to promote the reform of experimental teaching in schools around the country. It is of great significance to play the educational function of the experiment. On behalf of the National Chemistry Teaching Commission, I would like to extend my warm congratulations on the convening of the seminar.