今年3月14日,是北京大学著名教授、原中文系主任季镇淮先生逝世一周年。为了纪念这位生于江苏淮安的著名学者,我们编发了这一组季镇淮先生专辑。这一组文章的作者分别在北京、南京、 四川、广东等不同地区工作,都曾经亲闻謦欬,对季先生的为学、为人有较多的了解。通过这些文章,我们可以看到一位前辈学者高尚的品德,深沉的学养,对我们继承老一辈学者的学术思想、人品、文品,会有很多启发。
March 14 this year, is a famous professor at Peking University, former director of the Chinese Department of the first anniversary of the death of Mr. Ji Zhenhuai. In honor of this famous scholar born in Huai’an, Jiangsu, we compiled this group of season Zhenhuai albums. The authors of this group of articles work in different regions such as Beijing, Nanjing, Sichuan and Guangdong respectively. They both heard and heard coughs and learned about Mr. Ji and learned more about them. Through these articles, we can see that a senior scholar has noble moral character and deep sense of accomplishment, which will inspire us to inherit the academic thoughts, characters and works of the older scholars.