企业年年出新招,展会年年创新高。以“环保、个性、多彩,与世界共行”为主题的第十三届中国国际自行车展览会,没有辜负人们的期望,和着众多参展商丰收的喜悦,在众人相约2004的欢声笑语中,徐徐落下了帷幕。 今年的自行车展会,尽管从展台设计到广告策划,从“香车美女”到“劲歌劲舞”,吸引了不少参观者的“眼球”;但备受众多贸易商关注的,无疑还是在展会上唱主角的一大批技术含量高、市场前景好的自行车新品。本次自行车展会在“新科技、新概念、新趋势”上的浓彩重墨,充
Enterprises out of new tricks every year, show a record high every year. The 13th China International Bicycle Exhibition, with the theme of “Environmental Protection, Individuality, Colorfulness and World Accompaniment”, did not disappoint people’s expectations and the joy of many exhibitors. In 2004, Slowly dropped the curtain. This year’s bike show attracted a great deal of attention from many visitors, from the beautiful beauty of the car to the best performance in the world, despite the exhibition design and advertising planning. However, many traders are concerned about it and are undoubtedly exhibiting at the show. Play a large number of protagonists of high technology, good market prospects bicycle new products. The bike show in the “new technology, new concepts, new trends” on the heavy color ink, charge