短语是现代汉语语法的一个重要组成部分,也是每年高考的一个重要内容。而许多考生对这一知识相当模糊,不善辨析。现举几个例题以作分析。 例一:从结构上看,下列成语结构完全相同的一组是: ①舍生取义②白虹贯日③作奸犯科④负荆请罪⑤青出于蓝⑥厉兵秣马⑦劳苦功高⑧图穷匕见⑨诲人不倦⑩完璧归赵 A.②⑦⑩ B.①④⑧ C.②⑤⑨ D.①③⑥
Phrases are an important part of modern Chinese grammar and are an important part of the annual college entrance examination. Many candidates are quite vague about this knowledge and do not analyze it. Here are a few examples for analysis. Example One: From a structural point of view, the following idiom structure is exactly the same group is: 1 give birth to justice 2 Bai Hongjun 3 commit adultery crime 4 negative Jing 5 sue exile 5 out of blue 6 rickety Hummer 7 hard work high 8 figure poor see 9 swearing ten tire ten finished return to Zhao A.2710 B.148 C.259 D.136