This article outlines the content, process and outcome of the “Section 201” dispute of 2002-2003 and goes back to the 1994 “Great Debate on Sovereignty” and the “Section 301” dispute case of 1998-2000 for a comprehensive and macroscopic survey. It points out that the “Section 201” dispute is essentially the third round of U.S.-Japan unilateralism and multilateral multilateralism in the recent decade. It is the continuation and development of the previous two big conflicts. The essence of the three clashes is both the struggle between the restrictions on the economic hegemony of the United States and the economic sovereignty of all countries and the anti-restrictions. Both are rooted in the established principle that the United States has already established at the beginning of its accession to the WTO in 1994: Promote its unilateralist policies to safeguard and expand its vested economic hegemony. After the United States lost its case in the “Section 201” dispute, there is no change of course in the above-mentioned principle. The unilateral hegemony chronicity may recur at any time, and the multilateralism in the WTO still has a hard time ahead.