
来源 :语文学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dailynice
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《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》提出“语文课程还应考虑汉语言文字的特点对识字写字、阅读、写作、口语交际和学生思维方面的影响”。这实际是在强调语文教学应当遵从汉语言文字的特点,无疑是完全正确的,也是非常重要的。本文主要探讨汉语言文字的特点对语文思维训练的影响,并据此提出教学应采取的策略和方法,以期语文思维训练更贴近汉语言文字的特点,取得好的效果。 The full-time compulsory education Chinese Curriculum Standard (experimental draft) proposed that “Chinese curricula should also consider the impact of the characteristics of Chinese language on literacy, reading, writing, oral communication and student thinking.” This is in fact an emphasis on the teaching of Chinese language should follow the characteristics of Chinese language is undoubtedly completely correct, but also very important. This article mainly discusses the influence of the characteristics of Chinese language on the training of Chinese thinking and proposes the strategies and methods that should be adopted in the teaching so that the training of Chinese thinking can be closer to the characteristics of Chinese language and writing and achieve good results.