好的内容还需要好的传播形式,才能获得好的效果。正如《都市快报》版式总监张革所言:“我们所做的不仅仅是把标题、文字、图片简单地堆砌;设计将贯穿在所有版面里,体现在报纸的每一个角落;它将有利于读者对内容的理解,并能对内容有前瞻性预见;将单独能给读者以视觉上的刺激而激发其阅读兴趣。” 实践中,报纸形态每一步细节变革都在为这些认识慢慢累积着宝贵的运作规则与经验。模块化设计——易读与易操作
Good content also needs a good form of communication in order to get good results. As Zhang Rui, director of URBAN typography, put it: “What we do is not just to stack up the title, the text, and the picture; the design runs through all the layouts in every corner of the newspaper; it has Which will help the reader to understand the content and be able to anticipate the content in a forward-looking manner. It will stimulate the readers’ reading interest solely by the visual stimuli. ”In practice, every detail of the change in the form of a newspaper slowly learns about them Cumulative valuable rules of operation and experience. Modular design - easy to read and easy to use