Effects of hydrogen-rich saline on platelet activation in hypertensive rats

来源 :中国药理学与毒理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fleur0512
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OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of hydrogen-rich saline on platelet activation in hypertensive rats.METHODS The male Wistar rats were divided into control group,hypertension group,control+hydrogen-rich saline group and hypertension+hydrogen-rich saline group.Hypertension was induced by subcutaneous infusion with angiotensinⅡ0.7 mg·kg-1·d-1for 2 weeks by osmotic mini-pumps in rats.Hydrogen-rich saline(10 mL·kg-1·d-1)was administered by intraperitoneal injection for 14 d.Platelet adhesion on collagen surface was evaluated using a well-defined perfusion chamber at low shear rate(300s-1)and high shear rate(1080s-1).The maximum aggregation rate of platelets induced by ADP was determined by turbidimetry.The levels of reactive oxygen species(ROS),nitric oxide(NO)and Ca2+in platelets were measured with flow cytometry.RESULTS When compared with the control group,platelet aggregation,platelet adhesion rate in high shear rate and low shear rate,and the level of ROS and Ca2+in platelets were elevated in hypertensive group.However,NO level in platelets decreased.Compared with the hypertensive group,hydrogen-rich saline treatment decreased platelet aggregation,platelet adhesion rate,the levels of ROS and Ca2+in platelets,and increased NO level in platelets of hypertensive rats.CONCLUSION Hydrogen-rich saline could inhibit platelet activation in hypertensive rats.This effect may be related to antioxidative stress. OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of hydrogen-rich saline on platelet activation in hypertensive rats. METHODS The male Wistar rats were divided into control group, hypertension group, control + hydrogen-rich saline group and hypertension + hydrogen-rich saline group. Hypertension was induced by subcutaneous infusion with angiotensin II 0.7 mg · kg -1 · d -1 for 2 weeks by osmotic mini-pumps in rats. Hydrogen-rich saline (10 mL · kg -1 · d -1) was administered by intraperitoneal injection for 14 days .Platelet adhesion on collagen surface was evaluated using a well-defined perfusion chamber at low shear rate (300s-1) and high shear rate (1080s-1). The maximum aggregation rate of platelets induced by ADP was determined by turbidimetry. of reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide (NO) and Ca2 + in platelets were measured with flow cytometry .RESULTS When compared with the control group, platelet aggregation, platelet aggregation were in high shear rate and low shear rate, and the level of ROS and Ca2 + in platelets were elevated in hypertensive groups. Despite, NO level in platelets decreased. Compared with the hypertensive group, hydrogen-rich saline treatment decreased platelet aggregation, platelet adhesion rate, the levels of ROS and Ca2 + in platelets, and increased NO level in platelets of hypertensive rats. CONCLUSION Hydrogen-rich saline could inhibit platelet activation in hypertensive rats. This effect may be related to antioxidative stress.
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