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清末以降,面对西方列强的侵略和扩张,中国的法治在救亡图存、变法图强的现代化进程之中开始萌发。如果以自清末修律始算,中国法治建设之路筚路蓝缕,已历经百年。此间,有关法治的政治基础、理论逻辑、实践措施和话语体系不断更迭,众多重要事件载入史册。其中,2013年,中国共产党第十八届三中全会审议通过《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《深化改革重大问题的决定》)将“法治中国”作为法治建设的重要目标, In the late Qing Dynasty, in the face of the aggression and expansion of the Western powers, the rule of law in China began to germinate in the process of saving the nation from salvation and the transformation of the law and order. If we start with the practice of self-discipline in the late Qing Dynasty, the road to rule of law in China has been going a long way and has gone through centuries. Here, the political basis, theoretical logic, practical measures and discourse system on the rule of law are constantly changing, and many important events are recorded in the annals of history. Among them, in 2013, the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee examined and passed the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Several Important Issues concerning the Overall Deepening of Reform (hereinafter referred to as “the Decision on Deepening the Major Reform”) as the “rule of law in China” The important goal of construction,
王族,甘肃天水人,一九九一年入伍西藏阿里,现居乌鲁木齐,系中国作家协会会员,乌鲁木齐市作家协会副主席。出版有散文集,短篇小说集等四十余部。有部分作品在美国、巴基斯坦、中国台湾等地出版。   清晨出发,傍晚归来。  勇敢的猎人,你走过了两千座山和五百条河流,见过了三百只狼和五十只狐狸。如果你要给人们讲故事,那就请你讲狼的故事,因为狼的故事最好听。  关于白狼,最早听到的是这样一个说法,说白狼从不露
一  慢慢地走,慢慢地想,寂静是缓慢的,是一片相对宁静的时空。可是,有时侯它太静了,静得让人心慌、清冷,尤其当你正处在某种阴影中,还没能去超越的时侯。  那时,我经常避开人群,一个人在公园慢慢走着,一点点地释放、稀释心中蕴藏的苦涩。这个过程异常艰难,也异常漫长。但至少,那一刻是安静的,面对的是纯粹的公园,花草树木,湖,绿色,甚至于不多见的鸟,到处都有大自然的气息,而不是复杂的人间事,充满烟火气,可