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吉林省饮水型氟中毒流行广泛,受危害人口众多。从1964年首次发现地方性氟中毒流行,到成功打了第一眼防氟井至今已经历50年,经过几代地方病防治工作者的努力,吉林省地方性氟中毒流行的原因、范围等已基本查明,以改饮用安全水为主要防治地方性氟中毒的方法已实施并取得显著效果。截止到2013年底,吉林省饮水型氟中毒病区分布在6个市(州)16个县(市、区),3171个村屯,氟骨症患者5.5万 Drinking water fluorosis in Jilin Province is widespread and is endangering the population. From the first discovery of the endemic fluorosis epidemic in 1964 to the first successful anti-fluorosis well-being which has lasted for 50 years, after several generations of efforts by endemic disease prevention and control workers, the causes and scope of endemic fluorosis in Jilin Province have been Basic identification, to change drinking water safety as the main method of prevention and control of endemic fluorosis has been implemented and achieved significant results. As of the end of 2013, drinking water fluorosis in Jilin Province was distributed in 16 counties (cities and districts) in 6 cities (prefectures and prefectures) and 3171 villages, with skeletal fluorosis patients 55,000
同学们都知道大多数邮票是长方形的,可是不知道大家思考过没有,为什么邮票一般要设计成长方形的呢?除了长方形的邮票,还有没有其他形状的邮票呢?  大多数邮票都设计成长方形,是因为长方形的每个内角都是直角,用相同的长方形,不但能铺满平面,还能铺满纸面上的一个长方形区域,而且长方形的邮票,无论是排版,还是打齿孔,使用都很方便,节约材料。可是清一色的长方形邮票看上去未免过于单调乏味。所以就有人设计和印制一些