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盘南电厂3#、4#锅炉采用上海锅炉厂有限公司生产的600M锅炉,型号为SG2028/17.5-M9xx,型式为压临界、强制循环汽包炉。4#锅炉汽包吊装采用一套GYT-100D型钢索式液压提升装置进行吊装就位,其中两台液压千斤顶组成一个单元,共计两个单元,分别布置在炉左和炉右;起升过程中要求倾斜33°的角度,起升到就位标高后调整至水平,然后采用10t手拉葫芦将汽包水平平移至就位位置,最后采用液压提升装置调整汽包找正。 Pannan Power Plant 3 #, 4 # boiler Shanghai Boiler Co., Ltd. production boiler 600M, model SG2028 / 17.5-M9xx, the type of pressure-critical, forced circulation drum furnace. 4 # boiler drum hoisting using a GYT-100D-type steel wire rope hoist lifting device in place, of which two hydraulic jack to form a unit, a total of two units, respectively, arranged in the furnace left and right furnace; lifting process Requires tilted 33 ° angle, lifting to the level after the adjustment to the level, and then use the 10t hand hoist horizontal shift to the position of the drum, and finally the use of hydraulic lifting device to adjust the drum correction.
当日历翻到2010年2月13日,除夕之夜,我正坐在电视机前,欣赏年夜大餐——春节联欢晚会时,禁不住想起了一位歌者,2009年除夕,他与著名男高音歌唱家王宏伟同台高歌“哗啦啦的黄河水日夜向东流”,他那激情澎湃的歌声征服了观众,赢得了热烈、持久、由衷的掌声。  他从东北黑土地走来,走上了《星光大道》,走进了《春晚》,走进了《乡约》,他成明星、成大腕、成红人了。这位50多岁的农民汉子,他在动情时会当众洒