Pre-iarval Development of Palaemon carinicauda (Holthuis)

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luke_kai
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In summer Palaemon carinicauda larvae are hatched in salt-fresh water. The prelarval development may be divided into six stages. In the larval development of the Palaemon carinicauda has close relationship with Macrobrachium carcinus (P. C. Choudbury, 1971). They differ from larval of Macrobrachium carcinus in that the buds of the first, second, fifth pereiopod occur on first stage and the buds of the third, fourth pereiopod occur on fourth stage and the fifth pereiopod become biromous types on fifth stage. The terminal segment between spine bering spinules posterior on telson. In the larval development of the Palaemon carinicauda has close relationship with Macrobrachium carcinus (PC Choudbury, 1971). They differ from larval of Macrobrachium carcinus in that the buds of the first, second, fifth pereiopod occur on first stage and the buds of the third, fourth pereiopod occur on fourth stage and the fifth pereiopod become biromous types on fifth stage. The terminal segment between spine bering spinules posterior on telson.
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