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当下交通警察权的权能要素并未被作为独立的研究对象引起公法学人的重视。这不但会迟延部门行政法精细化发展,而且极易导致交通警察关涉领域的新问题缺乏系统的理论指导。有鉴于此,基于结构功能主义的视角,对交通警察权的内部构造从来源要素、主体要素、运行要素、对象要素和保障要素五个层面展开研究。经研究发现,交通警察权存有权力设定、内部分配、授权、委托等来源形式;交通警察权的实施者和执行者存在不同样态,并且实践中截然相反的做法与现有理论并不矛盾;交通警察权运行要素意义重大,现有规范已较为成熟;车辆、行政相对人、交通事事故、交通违法行为等应成为对象要素;交通警察权保障要素包括物质性资源与非物质性资源,并且非物质资源愈发显得重要。 At present, the power elements of traffic police power have not been taken seriously by public law scholars as an independent research object. This will not only delay the development of ministerial administrative law, but will also easily lead to a lack of systematic theoretical guidance on the new issues concerning traffic police. In view of this, based on the perspective of structural functionalism, the internal structure of traffic police power is studied from the five aspects of the source element, the main element, the operation element, the object element and the safeguard element. The study found that the traffic police power has the power to set, internal distribution, authorization, commission and other sources of form; traffic police power of the perpetrators and performers exist in different modalities, and in practice the opposite is not the current theory Contradictions; traffic police power is very important in the operation of the elements, the existing norms have been more mature; vehicles, administrative counterparts, traffic accidents, traffic violations should become the object element; traffic police protection elements, including material resources and non-material resources , And immaterial resources become more and more important.