2000年11月13日是一个值得纪念的日子,这一天,北京市最长的城市公路高架桥——黄村高架桥胜利合龙了。该桥全长2.4公里,跨越整个大兴县黄村镇,将42.15公里的京开高速公路北京段首尾相连。它的建成对于拉动京南地区发展和北京申奥都具有特殊意义。 总工程造价1.2亿元的京开四标地处北京黄村镇繁华地区,全长4648米,其中包括黄村高架桥(南半幅)1057.5米,其余为道路工程。总计工程量为路基填方51万立方米,挖方7.8万立方米,混凝土3.5万立方米,沥青混凝土18万立方米,有效工期11个月。路桥集团公路一局北京公司京开四标项目的员工用智慧和汗水浇筑了这座不朽的城市丰碑。 在困境中起步 如此大的工程量要按期完工,意味着平均每个月都要完成一千多万元的产值,否则按期完工将成为空谈。原定16个
November 13, 2000 is a memorable day, this day, Beijing’s longest city highway viaduct - Huangcun Viaduct victory together. The bridge a total length of 2.4 km across the Daxing County, Huangcun, the 42.15 km Beijing-Beijing Expressway Beijing section is connected end to end. Its completion is of special significance for stimulating the development of the southern region and the Beijing Olympic bid. The total construction cost of 120 million yuan Beijing open four standard is located in the bustling Huangqu Town, Beijing, a total length of 4648 meters, including the Huangcun Viaduct (South half) 1057.5 meters, the rest of the road works. The total construction volume of 501,000 cubic meters of roadbed filling, excavation of 78,000 cubic meters, 35,000 cubic meters of concrete, asphalt concrete 180,000 cubic meters, the effective duration of 11 months. Road and Bridge Road, a Bureau of Beijing company Beijing open four standard project staff with wisdom and sweat poured this monumental city monuments. In the dilemma started such a large amount of work to be completed on schedule, which means an average of more than 10 million yuan a month to complete the output value, otherwise completed on schedule will become empty talk. The original 16