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根据水文资料推求流域统计单位线(以下简称单位线),一般只要知道净雨与净雨历时,便可以从流量过程线上求得。现行推求单位线的方法,在雨量观测时段较少时,流域平均时段雨量就无法求得,以致难以确定单位线的单位时间。因为根据已有站点的时段降雨资料点绘出累积曲线,限于雨量资料时段划分太长,记录不全,各站时段划分不统一等,都会造成确定单位时间的困难,甚至无法确定。一、S曲线的特性与单位线单位时间的关系在发生上述困难时,正确地应用单位线的S曲线特性与单位线单位时间的关系,用试错的方法可以推得单位线的单位时间。 S曲线是单位线各时段累积流量和时间的关系曲线,它的下部应当是流量随时间的增长而连续递增。在某一时刻t,当全部汇水面积参加迳流之后 According to hydrological data deduced watershed statistical unit line (hereinafter referred to as the unit line), generally as long as you know the net rain and net rain duration, we can get from the flow process. The current method of unit line estimation implies that it is impossible to determine the average rainfall during a period when the rainfall observation period is small, making it difficult to determine the unit time of a unit line. Because the accumulative curve is plotted according to the rainfall data points of the existing stations and is limited to the time division of rainfall data is too long, incomplete records, and the division of stations are not uniform, it will cause difficulty in determining the unit time or even be unable to determine. First, the relationship between the characteristics of S curve and the unit line unit time In the above difficulties, the correct application of unit line S curve characteristics and unit line unit time, with trial and error method can be derived unit line unit time. The S-curve is the curve of the cumulative flow and time of the unit line in each period, and the lower part of it should be the continuous increase of the flow with the increase of time. At a certain moment t, after all the catchment area has joined the runoff
如果让“外貌协会”来点评Tiguan R-line,多半会被定义为外形精致的都市SUV。然而在穿城翻山之后,这个内心强大而不露声色的家伙,表现出如同城府深厚的成熟男人姿态,着实让我
由漫威影业制作的《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》(Avengers:Age of Ultron)宣布中国内地定档今年5月12日,以3D、IMAX 3D、中国巨幕形式于中国内地上映。片方近日曝光了影片反派奥