肝纤维化(liver fibrosis)是指肝细胞发生坏死或炎症刺激时,肝内纤维结缔组织增生与分解失衡,从而在肝内异常沉积的病理过程,是多种慢性肝病的重要病理特征和发展至肝硬化的必经阶段[1]。肝纤维化发生机制的进一步阐明给治疗带来了新进展[2,3]。
Liver fibrosis is a pathological process of abnormal deposition in the liver when the liver cells undergo necrosis or inflammation stimulation and the intrahepatic fibrous connective tissue is imbalanced with proliferation and decomposition. It is an important pathological feature and development of many kinds of chronic liver diseases The necessary stage of cirrhosis [1]. The further elucidation of the mechanism of liver fibrosis has brought new progress in treatment [2,3].