注意你的面部 (一)如果你皮肤是干性的,晚上用洗面奶均匀地擦在脸上,按摩几下后用温水洗净,趁脸温热时抹上油性护肤脂,以防止脸部皮肤干燥。即使是油性皮肤,也不可忽视洗脸后抹上面霜,以补充皮肤失去的水分。 (二)当你从冷空气中进入室内外出前,切忌不要洗脸,否则会使皮肤绷紧;若一定要洗,可加用乳液或化妆水使皮肤柔顺。
Pay attention to your face (A) If your skin is dry, use facial cleanser at night rub evenly on his face, massage a few warm wash, while face warm, apply oily skin cream to prevent the face Dry skin. Even oily skin, can not be ignored after washing face cream, to replenish the water loss of the skin. (B) When you enter the room from the cold air out before, avoid not to wash your face, otherwise it will make the skin taut; if must wash, can add lotion or lotion make the skin supple.