陶器从古至今始终与人类保持着最亲和的关系,其原因倒不纯粹是因为陶器与人类朝夕相处,是人类必不可少的生活用具,还有另外一个重要的原因是因为陶器的制作原料——泥土与人类有着天生的情感联系,玩泥乃是人类之天性。 我爱玩泥,更爱在火中玩泥,因为我觉得经过火的煅炼,泥巴会变得更加超凡脱俗,神秘莫测。凡玩泥的人都有这样的体会,最令自己激动的时刻并不是在创作的过程之中,而是经由自己孕育的艺术生命经过“火的洗礼”即将出窑诞生的那一刹那,陶艺是一半人功一半天功,此乃陶艺神秘魅力之所在。
Pottery has always been the most intimate relationship with mankind since ancient times. The reason is not simply because pottery and mankind are daily necessities, is an indispensable human daily necessities, and another important reason is that the raw materials of pottery making - - Earth has a natural emotional connection with human beings, and playing with mud is a human nature. I love to play with mud, but love to play with mud in the fire, because I think through the fire of refining, the mud will become more refined, mysterious. Those who play mud have this experience, the most exciting moment is not in the process of creation, but through their own artistic life through the “baptism of fire” is about to be born kiln that moment, pottery is Half the power of manpower half day, this is the mysterious charm of pottery lies.