一、两种人文类型 人文主义,就其词源学意义而言,是指西方文艺复兴时期的世俗化思潮,但就其实质蕴含来讲,则泛指以人为中心的思想学说.而中国文化在其延绵数千年之久的发展过程中,一以贯之地表现出以人生和人心为观照,以趋善求治为追求的特点,其人文主义特征是十分鲜明的,更有甚者,中国人文主义还凸显着它人情化的理论特质.首先,从中国文化思想内涵而言,在天人关系上,中国人将天人化、人情化,尽心知天肇其始,天人合一继其后.人们以情感同一来论证“天”心即“人心”,有“天亦有喜怒之气,
First, the two humanities type of humanism, in terms of its etymology, refers to the secularization trend of the West Renaissance, but in terms of its essence, refers to the people-centered ideology. And Chinese culture During its development which lasted for thousands of years, humanistic characteristics are vividly manifested through consistently observing the life and people’s minds and pursuing the ideal by seeking perfection. What is more, Chinese humanism But also highlights its theoretical characteristics of human sentiment.First of all, from the perspective of the connotation of Chinese culture, on the relationship between heaven and human beings, the Chinese will make the humanity and humanism dedication, People use the same emotion to prove that the “heart” is “the heart of the people,” and "heaven is also angry,