Seven F1 cultivars with different protein content and incomplete diallel cross were used to study the genetic parameters of barley grain protein and its four components. The results showed that the content of gliadin was mainly controlled by the additive effect, and the content of protein and gluten was mainly controlled by the non-additive effect. The content of globulin and albumin was jointly controlled by additive and non-additive effects, but different Traits, the role played by the two is not the same. The heritability of each trait is quite different. The amplitudes of generalized and narrow heritability are respectively 57.42% ~ 96.36% and 17.24% ~ 67.26%. For additive trait-based traits, the general effect of general combining ability of parents can be used to predict the performance of F1. The reliability of F1 is closely related to the percentage of general combining ability variance (rs = 0.9246 **). No significant correlation was found between the five traits, so indirect selection was not reliable. In addition, the method of estimating genetic progress is discussed.