患者21岁,已婚。因停经4月余,反复下腹胀痛3个月,加重伴头晕半月于1994年8月3日入院。 LMP 1994年3月18日,停经54天查尿HCG阳性,先后在三家医院行吸宫术,未吸出绒毛。吸宫后一直感下腹胀痛,入院当日腹痛加重伴头晕眼花,并晕厥1次。平素月经规律,过去史(—)。查T 36.8℃,P 86次/分,血压11.5/7 kPa,急性痛苦面容,心肺(—),腹部稍隆起,腹肌紧张,压痛反跳痛,腹移动性浊音阳性。妇检:外阴阴道(—),阴道未见紫兰色结节、后穹窿饱满,宫颈光滑,举痛明显,子宫平位增大压痛,于子宫右侧可触及一鹅蛋大包块,边界不清,质韧,活动度差,左附件(—)。B超示盆腹腔积血(宫外
The patient is 21 years old and married. Due to menopause more than 4 months, repeated abdominal pain three months, aggravated with dizziness and half a month on August 3, 1994 admission. LMP 1994 March 18, 54 days after menopause urinary HCG positive, has three rows in the hospital aspiration, no aspiration villi. Suffering from abdominal pain has been felt after abdominal pain, abdominal pain increased on the day of admission with dizziness, and syncope 1. Normal menstrual regularity, past history (-). Check T 36.8 ℃, P 86 beats / min, blood pressure 11.5 / 7 kPa, acute painful face, cardiorespiratory (-), abdominal bulge slightly, abdominal muscle tension, tenderness rebound tenderness, abdominal motility dullness positive. Maternal examination: vulva vagina (-), no purple vaginal nodules in the vagina, after the fornix full, cervical smooth, obvious pain, uterine flat increased tenderness, in the right side of the uterus can reach a large oval egg mass, the border Unclear, tough, poor activity, left attachment (-). B ultrasound showed abdominal ascites (extrauterine