化杀杂交稻是以常规品种为母本,以化学药剂诱导其花粉不育,然后用能产生强大优势的父本品种授粉而生产种子。由于化杀方法产生的雄性不育是非遗传性的,无不育基因的参与,二代群体不会分离出不育株,这就为利用某些优势组合的杂种二代提供了可能性。生产实践表明,一些化杀组合杂种二代(下简称化杀二代)仍有较强的优势并获得高产。而且由于化杀二代种子是由杂种一代繁殖,无需经过复杂的制种过程,容易获得大量较低成本的种子,深受农户欢迎。 (一)化杀二代利用价值的依据过去普遍认为,杂种后代由于会产生大量性状分离,在生产上丧失利用价值。但生产实践表明,一些化杀强优组合的二代不仅能利用
Killing hybrid rice is a conventional breed as a female parent, with chemical agents to induce pollen sterility, and then produce powerful predominant parental varieties to pollinate the seeds. Because the male sterility produced by the killing method is non-hereditary, without the involvement of the sterile gene, the second-generation population will not separate the sterile plants, which provides the possibility of utilizing the heterotic second generation of some dominant combinations. Production practice shows that some of the hybrid kill hybrid hybrid II (hereinafter referred to kill the second generation) still have strong advantages and access to high yield. And because the killer second-generation seeds are multiplied by the hybrid generation, it is easy for farmers to obtain large quantities of lower-cost seeds without going through complicated seed production process. (A) to kill the second generation of the basis for the use of value In the past generally agreed that, because of hybrid offspring will have a lot of traits, the loss of value in the production. However, production practice shows that some of the second generation to kill and strengthen the combination of superiority can not only use