1966年,在新中国的历史上,注定要成为一个极不平凡的年份。这不,开年之初的第8个深夜,在人民军队内部就突然出了一个震惊党中央、中央军委的重大事件。 这是一个漆黑的夜晚,海浪撞击舰舷的声音今夜色显得格外紧张和阴森。我东南某海域,一艘50吨的小艇,正顶着凛冽的寒风以10节左右的速度向东北方向驶去。这是福州部队某部守备师船运队的一艘登陆艇,从马尾装运物资去霞浦。
In 1966, in the history of new China, it was destined to become a very extraordinary year. This does not mean that at the beginning of the eighth year at the very beginning of the year, suddenly a major incident shocked the party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission within the People’s Army. This is a dark night, the sound of the waves crashing on the ship’s side is particularly intense and dark tonight. I am a southeast sea area, a 50-ton dinghy, is carrying the cold wind to about 10 knots heading northeast. This was a landing craft for a department of Shouguzhou division shipping corps in Fuzhou, carrying supplies from Xiawei to Xiapu.