长虹 P2119A 彩电开机声音正常,但半分钟左右才显图像。由于图像一出现就是清晰的,据此判断显像管管座没有故障。开机发现灯丝不亮时不显图像,灯丝亮了图像也就有了。因此怀疑线路有接触不良的地方,把行输出变压器灯丝绕组的引脚、灯丝限流电阻、视放板有关焊点重焊一遍后开机,图像立即出现。过半个多小时再开机又是半分钟才显图像。没显图像时量得“行管”集电极电压是130V(正常),初步判断故障原因不在灯丝供电线路,可能是行电路没工作。因半分钟后一切正常,可凑合着看节目,主人也就不急于修理了。
Changhong P2119A color TV boot sound normal, but only about half a minute before the image. As the image appears to be clear, accordingly judge the tube seat is not malfunction. Found no faint filament boot image, the filament light image there. Therefore, there is suspicion of poor contact with the line place, the line output transformer filament winding pin, filament current limiting resistor, depending on the board after re-welding solder joints again boot, the image appears immediately. More than half an hour and then boot again is half an hour before the image. When no image is measured, “” “tube” collector voltage is 130V (normal), the initial judgment of the cause of the malfunction is not the filament power supply circuit, the circuit may be no work. Because everything is normal after half a minute, you can make do with the show, and the owner is not in a hurry to fix it.