目前,全国人民在各个战线上,正在深入开展着反浪费、反保守,比干劲、比多快好省的社会主义生产建设运动,已获得了显著的成果. 为了贯彻党中央多快好省的方针和我部1958年全国砖瓦会议、建筑材料工业厂矿长会议的精神,建筑材料工业的全体职工,也和全国人民一样,都以万马奔腾的姿态,卷入了生产建设大跃进的高潮中.太原市第一工业局及其所属砖瓦厂全体职工,向北京市建材工业管理局及其所属砖瓦厂全体职工,提出今年内要在煤耗与质量指标上赶上北京,并展开友谊竞赛.
At present, people across the country are carrying out in depth the anti-waste, anti-conservative, and more energy-efficient, socialist production and construction campaigns on all fronts. They have achieved remarkable results. The policy and the spirit of the ministry conference of the 1958 National Bricks and Tiles Conference and the Building Materials Industry Plant of the Ministry of Industry and Construction, and all employees of the construction materials industry, as well as the people of the country, are rushing into the climax of the leap forward in production and construction. All staff of the Taiyuan First Industrial Bureau and its affiliated brick and tile factories submitted to the Beijing Municipal Building Materials Industry Bureau and all employees of its own brick and tile factory that they must catch up with Beijing in terms of coal consumption and quality indicators and carry out friendship this year. competition.