The optical wireless communication (OWC) is afading channel because of the effect of atmosphericattenuation. We introduce a cumulant-based adaptive detection technique to providehigh performance for OWC. The received signalof OWC over strong turbulence channels is assumedto be a mixture of K-distributed fading andGaussian distributed thermal noise. In order tomitigate the fading induced by turbulence, thedecision threshold-updating algorithm based onsecond and higher order cumulants is proposed,which is able to operate in an unknown turbulenceenvironment. The performance of the adaptiveprocessing scheme has been evaluated by meansof Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that theproposed approach proves valuable for a limitednumber K of memory data.
The optical wireless communication (OWC) is afading channel because of the effect of atmospheric attenuation. We introduce a cumulant-based adaptive detection technique to provide high performance for OWC. The received signal of OWC over strong turbulence channels is assumed to be a mixture of K-distributed fading andGaussian distributed thermal noise. In order tomitigate the fading induced by turbulence, thedecision threshold-updating algorithm based onsecond and higher order cumulants is proposed, which is able to operate in an unknown turbulence environment. The performance of the adaptiveprocessing scheme has been evaluated by meansof Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that the proposed approach proves valuable for a limited number of K of memory data.