1971年Schally和Guillemin几乎同时分离和鉴定出了黄体生成素释放激素(LHRH)。此后证明LHRH能引起LH及FSH的释放。但是,仅在最近三年,当了解到LHRH的脉冲式释放型式人工合成了某些LHRH的激动剂时,才真正允许在临床使用。对于LHRH的专门术语尚无一致意见,内分泌学会采用“LHRH”作为优先选用的略语,但也接受“GnRH”一词。一、LHRH的药理学 LHRH是个十肽,其分子第2及第3位的氨基酸对于激活腺苷环化酶系统及随后引起促性腺激素的释放十分重要。而第1位的焦谷氨酸以及第6和第10位的甘氨酸则与维持LHRH的构型及其结合特性有关。LHRH
In 1971 Slully and Guillemin almost simultaneously isolated and identified luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH). Since then LHRH can cause LH and FSH release. However, in the last three years, it has been truly accepted for clinical use when one learns that the pulsatile release pattern of LHRH artificially synthesizes certain LHRH agonists. There is no consensus on the terminology of LHRH, which the LH uses as a preferred abbreviation, but also accepts the term “GnRH”. Pharmacology of LHRH LHRH is a decapeptide whose amino acids at positions 2 and 3 of the molecule are important for activating adenosine cyclase systems and subsequent release of gonadotropins. While pyroglutamic acid at position 1 and glycine at positions 6 and 10 are related to the configuration of LHRH and its binding properties. LHRH