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缺铁性贫血(IDA)是一个全球性的健康问题熏据估计全球有几亿人患病。世界卫生组织(WHO)1970年在亚洲调查显示熏各年龄组缺铁性贫血发病率分别为:成人男性10%熏妇女超过20%熏孕妇超过40%熏儿童超过50%熏2岁以下的幼儿超过90%。我国2岁以下小儿缺铁性贫血发病率为10%~48%;而同期美国2岁以下小儿发病率为24%。由此可见熏缺铁性贫血是一个世界性的小儿健康问题。我国解放以来熏各种营养缺乏症发病率都在明显下降熏但缺铁性贫血仍是常见的威胁小儿健康的营养缺乏症。根据1981年全国16省市对8435名29天~7岁小儿的调查熏血红蛋白在110克/升以下营养性贫血的患病率高达36%;6个月~6岁小儿9027名熏患病率为43%。小儿缺铁性贫血不仅发病率高熏而且还可影响体力、智力、免疫、代谢等许多方面熏是儿童保健工作中亟待解决的问题。 Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a global health problem It is estimated that hundreds of millions of people worldwide are affected. The World Health Organization (WHO) survey in Asia in 1970 showed that the prevalence of iron-deficiency anemia in all age groups was 10% for adults and 20% for smokers. More than 40% of smokers were smokers More than 50% of smokers smoked Children under 2 years of age Over 90%. The incidence of iron deficiency anemia in children under 2 years old in our country is 10% -48%, while the incidence of children under 2 years old in the United States is 24%. This shows that smoked iron deficiency anemia is a worldwide pediatric health problem. Since the liberation of our country a variety of nutritional deficiencies have significantly decreased the incidence of smoked but iron deficiency anemia is still a common threat to children’s nutritional deficiencies. According to a survey of 8435 children aged 29 days to 7 years old in 16 provinces and cities nationwide in 1981, the prevalence of nutritional anemia at hemoglobin of 110 g / l was as high as 36%. The prevalence of 9027 smoked children aged 6 months to 6 years 43%. Iron deficiency anemia in children is not only high incidence of smoked but also affect physical, mental, immune, metabolism and many other aspects of smoked child health care is an urgent problem to be solved.
(一) 我市移动式温室是采用一面坡式土木结构的建筑。采取“前茬韭菜,后茬黄瓜,一年一移动”的栽培方法。这是一种适于北方气候特点,比较高产的栽培方式。冬季生产前,于九月
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