“识广于学,业精于勤,行成于思”,这是胡勋璧作为一个成功期刊人的真实写照。 胡勋璧原本不是学新闻的,然酷爱写作的嗜好却偏偏使他今生与文字结下了不解之缘。胡勋璧先后在《湖北青年》驻黄冈记者站、黄冈地区团委、《湖北青年》编辑部工作,历任干事、记者、宣传部长、编辑组长,1985年调入湖北省妇联主办《知音》杂志,并长期担任杂志社总编、社长。从一名普通的区委通讯干事到创办全国名刊《知音》,25年来凭着对事业的执著追求、胡勋璧在竞争激烈的期刊界成功地闯出了一条创业道路。抚今追昔,胡勋璧深有感触:人生的价值在于奋斗和进取,没有人能随随便便成功。
“Knowledge in learning, industry skilled in diligence, Xingcheng Si” This is Hu Xunbi as a true portraiture of successful journalists. Hu Xunbi had not learned the news, but his fond love for writing was just so indissoluble bound to his life and writing. Hu Xunbi successively served as director of “Hubei Youth” stationed at Huanggang Station of Huanggang and the Communist Youth League in Huanggang and “Hubei Youth”. He served successively as a director, reporter, propaganda minister and editor-in-chief. In 1985, he was transferred to Hubei Women’s Federation for hosting “Zhiyin” magazine Long-term magazine editor, president. From an ordinary district communications officer to the founding of the national magazine “Zhinin”, with his persistent pursuit of career over the past 25 years, Hu successfully broke the path of starting a business in the highly competitive journals. Recalling the past, Hu Xunbi deeply touched: the value of life lies in the struggle and progress, no one can casually success.